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Shotguns are used for short range shooting, and are less accurate than rifles, though the ability to fire multiple projectiles makes them ideal for small, fast moving targets. Suggest that the mother turn the water heater up for short periods to provide the necessary water temperature for washing bedding and area rugs. We welcome your suggestions and recommendations about other alternatives to allocate funds among coastal political subdivisions if there were no applicable leased tracts in the Sale 181 Area in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Planning Area in the fiscal year for which funds are being disbursed. Since the GOMESA distribution requirements apply only to revenues derived from new leases issued in the portion of the 181 Area located in the Eastern Planning Area and to the 181 South Area, production, and hence royalty, from such leases likely will not occur anytime soon. There is a slight possibility that there could be a fiscal year in which there are no applicable leased tracts in the 181 Area in the Eastern Planning Area, so there would be no way to allocate the 50 percent funds to coastal political subdivisions based on their inverse proportional distances to applicable leased tracts.

We will allocate the remaining 50 percent of the funds available to the coastal political subdivisions ((B)(iii)) by calculating and applying the inverse proportional distance ratios in the same way we do for allocating revenues to the Gulf producing States in this proposed rule, except we would exclude leased tracts in the 181 South Area due to the provisions of paragraph (E) of section 31(b)(4) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. Coastal Political Subdivisions Eligible for a Share of Qualified OCS Revenues Under the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alabama Mississippi counties Louisiana parishes counties Texas counties ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baldwin, Mobile Assumption, Hancock, Arkansas, Calcasieu, Harrison, Brazoria, Cameron, Iberia, Jackson Calhoun, Cameron, Jefferson, Chambers, Lafourche, Galveston, Livingston, Harris, Jackson, Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Kenedy, Kleberg, Bernard, St. Matagorda, Charles, St. Nueces, Orange, James, St. John Refugio, San the Baptist, St. Patricio, Martin, St. Mary, Victoria, tote bags printing Willacy St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Terrebonne, Vermillion ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the allocation of revenues among the States' coastal political subdivisions, GOMESA refers to the CIAP provisions in EPAct that amend section 31 of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. The provisions of this proposed rule specify how qualified OCS revenues would be allocated to certain States and eligible coastal political subdivisions.

Applying the formulas above, the $36 million would be allocated to the Gulf producing States as shown below. 1356a(b)(4)) which provides that: ``(B) FORMULA.--Of the amount paid by the Secretary to coastal political subdivisions under subparagraph (A)-- (i) 25 percent shall be allocated to each coastal political subdivision in the proportion that-- (I) The coastal population of the coastal political subdivision; bears to (II) The coastal population of all coastal political subdivisions in the producing State; (ii) 25 percent shall be allocated to each coastal political subdivision in the proportion that-- (I) The number of miles of coastline of the coastal political subdivision; bears to (II) The number of miles of coastline of all coastal political subdivisions in the producing State; and (iii) 50 percent shall be allocated in amounts that are inversely proportional to the respective distances between the points in each coastal political subdivision that are closest to the geographic center of each leased tract, as determined by the Secretary. Between any two points on a sphere which are not directly opposite each other, there is a unique great circle. The great circle distance is the shortest distance between any two points on the surface of the Earth measured along a path on the surface of the Earth.

The two points separate the great circle into two arcs. Calculation of Gulf Producing State Revenue Allocations The MMS will calculate each Gulf producing State's share of the qualified OCS revenues using the following proposed procedure: (1) For each Gulf producing State, we propose to calculate and total, over all applicable leased tracts, the mathematical inverses of the distances between the points on the State's coastline that are closest to the geographic centers of the applicable leased tracts and the geographic centers of the applicable leased tracts. U.S. nautical charts. The baseline is the set of points and connected lines, representing the mean lower low water line in direct contact with the open sea and marking the seaward limit of open water. The normal baseline from which the maritime zones are charted can be considered synonymous with the coastline as defined by the Submerged Lands Act. National Environmental Policy Act This proposed rule does not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. The transfer of revenues from the Federal Government to State and local governments would not impose additional costs on any sector of the U.S.