Brine shrimp

From Simplicity Wiki

Brine Shrimp[edit]

Raising brine shrimp (Artemia spp.) as a feed source on a small home-based farm can be a cost-effective and efficient way to produce high-quality feed for fish, shrimp, and other aquatic animals. This article will cover the basics of raising brine shrimp for feed, including their hardiness, feeding requirements, and breeding in captivity.

Benefits of Brine Shrimp as Feed[edit]

Brine shrimp offer several advantages as a feed source:

  • High nutritional value (protein, lipids, and essential amino acids)
  • Easy to culture and harvest
  • Suitable for a wide range of aquatic species
  • Can be used as live, frozen, or dried feed


Brine shrimp are extremely hardy and can tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions:

  • Temperature: 50-95°F (10-35°C)
  • Salinity: 20-300 ppt
  • pH: 6.5-8.5
  • Dissolved Oxygen: >1 mg/L

Culture Systems[edit]

Brine shrimp can be raised in various systems, depending on the scale of production and available resources:


Brine shrimp are filter feeders and can be fed a variety of diets:

Breeding in Captivity[edit]

Brine shrimp are easy to breed in captivity, making them a sustainable feed source:

  1. Provide optimal environmental conditions
  2. Introduce adult shrimp into the culture system
  3. Females will produce cysts (eggs) which will hatch into nauplii
  4. Harvest nauplii for feed or allow them to grow into adults

Harvesting and Processing[edit]

Brine shrimp can be harvested using fine mesh nets or sieves. Depending on the intended use, they can be:

  • Used as live feed
  • Frozen for later use
  • Dried and stored for extended periods

Integration with Other Farm Activities[edit]

Brine shrimp culture can be integrated with other farm activities:

  • Aquaponics: Brine shrimp can be raised in the aquatic component, providing feed for fish and nutrients for plants
  • Hydroponics: Waste water from brine shrimp culture can be used to fertilize hydroponic crops
  • Aquaculture: Brine shrimp can be used as a feed source for fish, shrimp, and other farmed aquatic species