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DWC Aquaponics[edit]

DWC (Deep Water Culture) aquaponics is a soilless method of growing plants using nutrients from fish waste. In this system, plants are suspended in floating rafts with their roots submerged in nutrient-rich water, which is circulated through a fish tank. The plants absorb the nutrients from the water, while simultaneously filtering the water for the fish.

Advantages of DWC Aquaponics[edit]

  • Simple and easy to set up
  • Efficient use of space and water
  • Rapid plant growth due to constant access to nutrients and oxygen
  • Suitable for leafy greens and herbs
  • Low maintenance compared to other aquaponics systems

Building a Home DWC Aquaponics System[edit]

Materials Needed[edit]

  • Fish tank
  • Floating rafts or grow bed
  • Air pump and air stone
  • Water pump
  • PVC pipes and fittings
  • Net pots or foam inserts
  • Growing media (e.g., rockwool, coconut coir)
  • Fish and fish food
  • Plants and seeds


Set up the fish tank:

  • Choose an appropriate size tank based on the number and type of fish you plan to keep.
  • Install the air pump and air stone to provide oxygen for the fish and plants.
  • Fill the tank with dechlorinated water and allow it to cycle for a few weeks to establish beneficial bacteria.

Construct the floating rafts or grow bed:

  • Determine the size of the rafts or grow bed based on the space available and the plants you want to grow.
  • For floating rafts, use styrofoam or specialized aquaponics rafts with holes cut out for net pots.
  • For a grow bed, use a shallow container with a depth of 6-12 inches.

Install the water pump and plumbing:

  • Choose a water pump with the appropriate flow rate for your system size.
  • Connect the pump to PVC pipes and fittings, running a line from the fish tank to the grow bed or rafts and another line from the grow bed or rafts back to the fish tank.

Set up the plants:

  • Place the net pots or foam inserts into the holes in the floating rafts or grow bed.
  • Fill the net pots or inserts with a growing media, such as rockwool or coconut coir.
  • Plant your desired crops in the growing media, ensuring that the roots are in contact with the nutrient-rich water.

Introduce fish to the system:

  • Once the system has cycled and the plants are established, add fish to the tank.
  • Choose fish species that are compatible with the plants you are growing and the size of your system.
  • Feed the fish regularly and monitor their health.

Maintain and monitor the system:

  • Regularly check water quality parameters, such as pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels.
  • Adjust the feeding schedule and water circulation as needed to maintain a balanced system.
  • Harvest plants as they mature, and replace them with new seedlings as desired.


DWC aquaponics is a simple and efficient method of growing plants and raising fish simultaneously. By building a home DWC aquaponics system, you can enjoy fresh produce and fish while conserving water and minimizing the use of pesticides and herbicides. This system is particularly well-suited for growing leafy greens and herbs, and with proper maintenance, it can provide a consistent supply of fresh food for your household.