Flood and drain

From Simplicity Wiki

Flood and Drain Aquaponics[edit]

Flood and drain aquaponics, also known as ebb and flow aquaponics, is a soilless method of growing plants using nutrients from fish waste. In this system, the grow bed is periodically flooded with nutrient-rich water from the fish tank, and then the water is drained back into the tank. This cycle of flooding and draining provides the plants with the necessary nutrients and oxygen for growth, while the plants filter the water for the fish.

Advantages of Flood and Drain Aquaponics[edit]

  • Efficient use of water and nutrients
  • Promotes strong root growth due to the alternating wet and dry cycles
  • Suitable for a wide variety of plants
  • Easy to maintain and automate
  • Can be set up indoors or outdoors

Building a Home Flood and Drain Aquaponics System[edit]

Materials Needed[edit]

  • Fish tank
  • Grow bed
  • Water pump
  • Air pump and air stone
  • Bell siphon or auto siphon
  • Growing media (e.g., expanded clay pebbles, gravel)
  • PVC pipes and fittings
  • Fish and fish food
  • Plants and seeds


Set up the fish tank: Choose an appropriate size tank based on the number and type of fish you plan to keep. Install the air pump and air stone to provide oxygen for the fish. Fill the tank with dechlorinated water and allow it to cycle for a few weeks to establish beneficial bacteria. Construct the grow bed:

  • Determine the size of the grow bed based on the space available and the plants you want to grow.
  • Ensure that the grow bed is slightly elevated above the fish tank to allow for proper drainage.
  • Install a bell siphon or auto siphon in the grow bed to control the flooding and draining cycle.
  • Install the water pump and plumbing:
  • Choose a water pump with the appropriate flow rate for your system size.
  • Connect the pump to the PVC pipes and fittings, running a line from the fish tank to the grow bed and another line from the grow bed back to the fish tank.

Add growing media and plants:

  • Fill the grow bed with a suitable growing media, such as expanded clay pebbles or gravel.
  • Plant your desired crops in the growing media, ensuring that they are spaced appropriately for their mature size.

Introduce fish to the system:

  • Once the system has cycled and the plants are established, add fish to the tank.
  • Choose fish species that are compatible with the plants you are growing and the size of your system.
  • Feed the fish regularly and monitor their health.

Set up the flood and drain cycle:

  • Adjust the bell siphon or auto siphon to control the flooding and draining cycle.
  • A typical cycle might involve flooding the grow bed for 15-30 minutes, followed by a draining period of 45-60 minutes.
  • Monitor the system and adjust the cycle as needed to ensure optimal plant growth and water quality.


Flood and drain aquaponics is a highly efficient and adaptable method of growing plants and raising fish simultaneously. By building a home flood and drain aquaponics system, you can enjoy fresh produce and fish while conserving water and minimizing the use of pesticides and herbicides. With proper setup and maintenance, this system can provide a sustainable source of food for your household.