Sweet Potatoes

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Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are a warm-season, tuberous root vegetable known for their sweet, starchy flavor and nutrient-rich flesh. They are often confused with yams but are botanically distinct.

Starting Sweet Potato Plants[edit]

Sweet potatoes are typically grown from slips, which are sprouts grown from mature sweet potatoes. To produce slips, place a sweet potato in a jar of water with the tip submerged, and allow it to sprout. Once the sprouts are 6-8 inches long, remove them from the potato and plant them directly in the garden, about 3-4 weeks after the last frost date.

Growing Sweet Potatoes[edit]

Sweet potatoes prefer full sun and well-draining soil. They are heat-loving plants that thrive in warm temperatures and require a long growing season. Space slips 12-18 inches apart in rows 3-4 feet apart. Sweet potatoes have a spreading, vining growth habit and benefit from regular watering and mulching to retain moisture and suppress weeds.

Harvesting Sweet Potatoes[edit]

Sweet potatoes are typically ready to harvest 90-120 days after planting, or when the leaves begin to turn yellow. Gently dig around the plants with a fork or shovel, being careful not to damage the delicate skin of the tubers. Cure the harvested sweet potatoes by storing them in a warm (80-85°F), humid place for 7-10 days to improve their flavor and storage life. After curing, store the tubers in a cool, dry place for up to several months.

Harvesting Sweet Potato Seeds[edit]

Sweet potatoes rarely produce flowers and seeds, as they are typically propagated through slips. However, if a plant does flower and produce seeds, collect them when the seed pods have turned brown and dry. Store seeds in a cool, dry place.

Sweet Potato Varieties[edit]

There are many varieties of sweet potatoes, with flesh colors ranging from white to yellow, orange, and purple. Some popular varieties include:

  • Beauregard Sweet Potato: A widely grown, orange-fleshed variety with a sweet, moist texture.
  • Jewel Sweet Potato: An orange-fleshed variety with a slightly drier texture than Beauregard.
  • Garnet Sweet Potato: A variety with deep red skin and orange flesh, known for its sweet, moist texture.
  • Okinawan Sweet Potato: A variety with purple skin and flesh, known for its slightly nutty flavor and high antioxidant content.


Sweet potatoes are versatile in cooking and can be prepared in various ways:

  • Baked, boiled, or roasted and served as a side dish
  • Mashed or puréed and used in pies, casseroles, or as a topping for shepherd's pie
  • Cut into wedges or fries and baked or fried
  • Added to soups, stews, and curries
  • Grilled or sautéed for a smoky or crispy texture
  • The young leaves and shoots of sweet potato plants can also be cooked and eaten as greens.